Oakhanger Pony Club, based at Oakhanger Riding Centre

Summer Calendar - all events booking now - open to both Pony Club members & non Pony Club members.

Week 1


Fri 26th - AM Beginners / Lead-Rein group riding session.

Week 2


Thurs 1st AM - Jump clinic with Nat

Fri 2nd AM - Beginner / Lead-Rein group riding session.

Week 3

Wed 7th AM- Own a Pony Morning (FULL)

Thurs 8th - Training / Skills day

Fri 9th - Beginner / Lead-Rein group riding session.

Week 4

Weds 14th AM - Assessment day D to C test!!!

Thurs 15th AM Own a Pony Morning

Fri 16th - Beginner / Lead-Rein group riding session.

Week 5

Dates tbc


Places on Beginner / lead-Rein are limited to 3 riders per session & will go quickly.

Places on Own A Pony are restricted to 8 & will also go quickly. (Own a Pony is not suitable for lead-rein).

More info on each individual activity can be found on earlier posts, or by calling 01270 876311.

Badge Club: Badge Club will run as normal throughout the holidays.


PC members 10yrs & over can stay for the days by prior arrangement.

Pony Club activities are non-refundable or transferable.

Once booking is confirmed, please pay at your next session.